Consejerias Haven de NiƱos (as)

Welcome! Bienvenidos!

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people amongst us need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, school stressors or any other issue, you should know that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

La vida no siempre es facil. Aveces, las personas mas fuertes necesitan un poco de ayuda para salir adelante. Todos tenemos batallas que pasar. Si estas pasando por ansiedad, depresion o problemas de autoestima o escolares, ten en mente que hay esperanza para ti. 

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. "
- Maya Angelou

"Nos deleitamos en la belleza de la mariposa pero poco admitimos los cambios que ha pasado para obtener esa belleza."

- Maya Angelou

You might be initially hesitant to seek out help and support for personal matters, but when you do, you will feel confident that you are taking a courageous first step towards getting to a better place and being a better you.

Estaras dudoso (a) en buscar ayuda por tus problemas personales pero cuando lo hagas, tendras confianza que estas tomando un paso valiente al ser un mejor tu. 

If you’re interested in becoming a better, happier, more fulfilled you,

Si estas interesado (a) en ser una mejor version de ti mismo (a), contactanos hoy!

get started by reaching out today!

About Child Haven Counseling

Child Haven Counseling is founded by Katie Piura, LCSW-C.  Katie has worked in different clinical settings. Every time, a child, teen, college student or caregiver, came to her therapy office, they reported experiencing an aura of peace and calmness. Katie noticed that a warm and welcoming therapeutic approach created a haven for young clients and their families leading to hope and change. Child Haven Counseling is inspired by this and hopes to continue to create a haven of hope and change for people.

Consejerias Haven de Niños (as) es fundada por Katie Piura,  LCSW-C. Katie a trabajado en diferentes clinicas. Cada vez que un joven o su padre de familia entraba a su oficina, ellos describian experimentar un aura de paz en la oficina de terapia. Katie noto que el estilo de terapia que es invitador, caluroso y amable creaba un refujio para jovenes y familias lideando a la esperanza y cambio. Consejerias Haven de Niños (as) es inpsirado por esto y espera  crear esperanza y cambio en personas. 

Let's start working together!

Empezemos a trabajar juntos!