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No two people are the same and as such therapy is tailored to meet the specific needs of clients. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression or any other issue, I will help you recognize underlying problems, fully realize your strengths and adjust certain behaviors and thoughts to see things a different, healthier way.

My practice specializes in treating children, teens and young adults and I offer comprehensive services dealing with:

No dos personas son iguales y por hecho yo proveo terapia para acoplar con lo que usted necesita. Si esta lideando con ansiedad, depresion u otro problema, yo te puedo ayudar a reconozer problemas e identificar tus destrezas. 

Mi practica se especializa en tratar con problemas que estan impactando a  niños (as), adolecentes y jovenes y ofrezco diferentes servicios incluyendo: 

Child-Centered Therapy/Terapia Infantil

Does your child have trouble dealing with their emotions? Is their behavior sometimes disruptive to your home life? Have they experienced sudden loss or trauma? As they grow, children and adolescents develop social skills and emotional intelligence. This awareness helps them to develop into healthy, happy, and successful individuals. But some children have trouble processing their emotions and this often leads to behavior that negatively impacts their school life, home life and overall well-being. Therapy offers children and adolescents a safe space to work through their thoughts and emotions. With the help of a specialized therapist, children can resolve problems, modify behaviors, and make positive and lasting changes.

Tu hijo (a) tiene problemas lideando con sus emociones? Su conducta es problematica en casa ? Ha experimentado perdidas? Al crecer los niños (as) y adolecentes adquieren estrategias sociales e inteligencia emocional. Esto ayuda a que desarollen de una manera saludable, feliz, y exitosa. Pero algunos niños (as) tienen problems procesando sus emociones y esto lidea a la conducta que impacte su vida escolar y familiar de una manera negativa. La consejeria ofrece que niños (as) y adolecentes tengan un lugar y espacio seguro para procesar sus sentiminentos y pensamientos. Con la ayuda de una terapeuta especialista en jovenes, sus problemas pueden cambiar y su conducta puede ser modificada de una manera positiva.

CBT, ACT and DBT Therapies/Terapias CBT. ACT y DBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment that helps people see the difference between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and free them from unhelpful patterns of behavior. 

Acceptance and commitment therapy or ACT teaches skills to help individuals live and behave in ways consistent with personal values while developing psychological flexibility. 

Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT teaches skills to help individuals process two opposite emotions and make space for them. Its main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with others. 

La terapia cognitiva, es terapia enfocada en resolver problemas enfocados en la conexion de los pensamientos y la conducta. Esta terapia ayuda a que las personas puedan cambiar sus pensamientos y conducta por otros mas positivos y dejar patrones que no estan ayudando a la persona.

La terapia de aceptacion y compromiso es terapia que ayuda a la persona con estrategias de aceptacion y ayudar a la persona a vivir y tener conducta que sea consistente con valores personales. 

Terapia dialectica ayuda con estrategias a ayudar a individuales con el proceso de dos emociones opuestas y hacer espacio para ellas. Los objetivos de esta terapia son ayudar a la persona a vivir en el momento, usar estrategias para ayudar con estres, regular emociones y mejorar sus relaciones con otros.

Counseling for Anxiety and Depression/Consejeria para Ansiedad y Depresion

Therapy can help to uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears, learn how to relax, look at situations in a new, less frightening way, and develop better coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills. When it comes to treating anxiety, research shows that therapy is usually the most effective option. That’s because anxiety and depression  therapy  treats more than just symptoms of the problem.

Terapia puede ayudar a encubrir causas de ansiedad y depresion. Ver la situacion de una manera que de menos preocupacion y ayudar a la persona a aprender estrategias que ayudan a la persona a salir adelante

Family Counseling/Consejeria Familiar

Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and for the worse. We learn our vocabulary, our habits, our customs and rituals, and how to view and observe the world around us. Anyone seeking healthier, closer family relationships can benefit from family therapy. Family therapy is necessary to address family issues and heal a family’s wounds. If any of the above scenarios resonate with your family, consider seeking family therapy. Family therapy can be beneficial on many different levels.

Nuestra familia afecta quien somos y como nos demostramos en el mundo. Aprendemos un vocabulario, habitos, costumbres y rituales, y como ver y observar nuestro mundo alrededor. Si buscas sanar de problemas familiares podrias benefeciar de terapia familiar. 

Parent Coaching/Entrenamiento para padres de familia

Nothing really prepares you to become a parent. Some grew in families that have parents that set a good example but others  grew up in homes where the dynamic between child and parent was challenging.

But the truth is, even if you did have loving parents that did right by you 24/7, you can never be fully prepared to handle sticky situations with your own children. You never really know what behavioral challenges your child may wind up struggling with, and how those will affect your other children and the family as a whole.

Parent coaching is a service that teaches parents strategies on how to handle challenges with their children. 

Nada te prepara para hacer un padre de familia. Unos crecieron en familias con padres de familia consistentes otros crecieron en familias que fueron dificiles.  Pero con las propias estrategias puedes lidear con situaciones en tu familia. 

Nuestro servicio de entranemiento para padres de familia ayuda a padres a obtener las estrategias que necesitan para lidear con dificultades que tienen con sus hijos (as). 

Play Therapy/Terapia de Juego

Play therapy makes a difference. Play is an enjoyable, fun activity that elevates our spirits and brightens our outlook on life. Play relieves feelings of stress and boredom and, most importantly, helps us express ourselves. Play therapy refers to a large number of treatment methods, all applying the therapeutic benefits of play. Play therapy helps children to address and resolve their own problems and builds on the natural way that children learn about themselves and their relationships in the world around them.

Terapia de juego hace una diferencia en la vida de ninos  (as). La terapia de juego ayuda a procesar estres y sentimientos por medio de juego. La terapia de juego ayuda a ninos (as) a lidear con problemas en una manera natural para ellos (as). 

Group counseling/Consejeria de grupo

Group therapy’s effectiveness lies in its ability to help you find connections with other people and their experiences. These therapist-guided sessions will help you learn more about yourself and how to improve the way you feel while feeling support from others who understand your experience.

If you’re looking for help in improving your everyday life - or for a more community-oriented therapy experience - you would be a great fit for our group therapy services. 

La terapia de grupo es efectiva por que tiene la abilidad de ayudarte a encontrar conexion con otras personas que estan pasando lo mismo que tu estas pasando y esas experiencias. Las sesiones de terapia de grupo te ayudaran a aprender mas de ti mismo (a)  y mejorar la manera que te sientes y entenderte a ti mismo (a) 

Therapy for Teens/Terapia de Adolescentes

Teens can often face some serious life challenges that impact their mental health and well-being. Most of us remember our teenage years as a combination of great fun, burgeoning freedom, and a tremendous amount of stress. During this time our hormone levels are skyrocketing, making us feel emotionally out of control. We also feel a greater need to perform well academically and fit into social circles. All of this stress can take its toll on a teen’s mental health and overall well-being.

Terapia de adolesentes ayuda que los adolescentes se sientan escuchados especialmente en el tiempo de desarollo donde sus emociones andan en varios lugares. Terapia puede ayudar al joven a sentir que tiene un espacio para poder hablar con alguien y aprender estrategias para seguir adelante. 

Consulting & Workshops / Consultas y Talleres

Consulting and workshops aimed at helping children, teens and young adults can bring subject matter expertise to a behavioral topic of your need. We are able to collaborate with other organizations or professionals to provide workshops to your staff or to your clients. We also offer workshops to our clients at Child Haven Counseling. Workshops can bring educational benefit to others. 

Additionally we also provide consultations on cases or issues you may need support with when working with children, teens and young adults. 

Consultas y talleres enfocados en ayudar a ninos (as) adolesecentes y jovenes adultos pueden traer tema educacional. Podemos ayudar colaborando con organizaciones y profesionales y proveer talleres a tu equipo o a tus clienes. Tambien proveemos estos talleres a nuestros clients de Consejerias Haven de Ninos (as). Los talleres tienen beneficio educativo. 

Young Adult Counseling/Consejeria para Jovenes Adultos

Young adult counseling refers to therapeutic support and guidance provided to individuals typically between the ages of 18 and 30. This stage of life often involves significant transitions and challenges, such as completing education, entering the workforce, establishing independence, forming relationships, and navigating personal identity development. At Child Haven Counseling we believe that support does not end when the youth turns 18. The 18-30 transition period is pivotal and merits support to overcome challenges.  Therefore, we provide young adult counseling to help you during this period. 

La consejeria del adulto joven es el apoyo terapeutico y guia proveida a jovenes de la edad de 18 a 30. Esta etapa de vida involucra transiciones y retos como completar educacion, encontrar trabajo, establecer independencia y formar relaciones. Creemos que el apoyo para un joven no termina a la edad de 18. La transicion de la edad de 18 a 30 es importante y merece apoyo. De tal manera, proveeemos consejeria juvenil para ayudar en este periodo. 

Couples counseling

We provide Couples counseling, also known as couples therapy aimed at helping couples resolve conflicts and improve their relationships while increasing connection to one another. We utilize Imago Therapy which is a type of therapy that helps couples communicate their concerns in a more empathic way and this helps resolve conflict. 

Proveemos terapia de parejas con el fin de ayudar a parejas resolver sus conflicts y mejorar su relacion y connexion. Usamos terapia Imago que ayuda a la pareja a comunicar con compassion y poder entenderse mejor. 

Skills Coaching/Enternamiento de Estrategias

We provide skills coaching in order to help clients be coached through their behavioral concerns. Skills coaching differs from therapy as skills coaching is an educational approach towards behavioral concerns that is action-oriented and forward-looking. Through skills coaching clients learn tools and are required to implement action steps towards their goals to see improvements. Skills coaching is effective in helping individuals cope through behavioral health concerns like anxiety, depression and emotional dysregulation. 

Reach out to me today! Contactanos hoy!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

Por favor llena la forma para agendar tu cita. Tratare lo mejor para acomodarte y estare en contacto contigo lo antes posible. 

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